Chang Wai Ken, 16-Aug-2017
Chang Wai Ken, 19-Dec-2017
Administrator, 30-Mar-2017
Admin, 08-Jun-2019
Cedric Chua, 02-May-2017
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) continues to rise at an exponential rate around the world. In the United States alone, the estimated overall prevalence ranges from a staggering 5.8% to 12.9% percent. In Malaysia, in remains unabated over a 10-year period with the rate of growth in number of patients at 80%. In Malaysia, 48% if patients above 30 are not aware that they have diabetes. The prevalence of T2DM is increasing in the young with 2% and 4.9% of those between ages 18-19 years and 20-24 years, respectively, affected by it. Symptoms of diabetes includes polyphagia (hunger), polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (excessive thirst) and unexplained weight loss. The majority remains asymptomatic.
If one shows symptoms, one should be thoroughly investigated for nutrition and weight history, physical activity, cardiovascular risk factors, and diabetic-related complications. Acute complications of diabetes mellitus includes hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar). Morbidity from diabetes is a consequence of both macrovascular disease (atherosclerosis) and microvascular disease (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy). In type 2 diabetes, disease onset is insidious, and diagnosis is often delayed. As a result, diabetic complications may be present at the time of diagnosis of diabetes and their frequency increases over time.
The main principle of management in all diabetic is lifestyle medication which consist of dietary modification and increased physical therapy. The need for oral medication depends on the symptoms, sugar control and the presence of complication. The progression of these complications can be slowed with interventions such as aggressive management of glycaemia, blood pressure, and lipids. Smoking cessation is essential for patients who smoke and patients need to be educated on foot care.
Should you require more information, visit your nearest healthcare provider. Diabetes is increasing rampantly. It is essential for you to get treated early, if you’re diagnosed to prevent further complication of the disease.