Chang Wai Ken, 16-Aug-2017
Chang Wai Ken, 19-Dec-2017
Administrator, 30-Mar-2017
Admin, 08-Jun-2019
Cedric Chua, 02-May-2017
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. Some patients may experience the leaking of urine or the urge to go toilet when they sneeze or cough. There are many reasons why someone experiences this condition.
The risk of developing urinary incontinence increases with age. More than 20% of men will experience at least 1 urinary incontinence episode in a year when he is more than 65 years old, compared to only 4.8% in men aged 19-44 years old. As we age, the bladder muscle becomes less efficient as we are younger. Aging of the bladder muscle can decrease the bladder's capacity to store urine.
In women, pregnancy may give rise to urinary incontinence due to hormonal changes as well as the stress imparted on the bladder by the uterus. Similarly, when a woman hits menopause, she will produce lesser estrogen than before. Estrogen is an important hormone to keep the lining of bladder and urethra healthy. Hormonal imbalance may aggravate the urinary incontinence among menopause women.
Lifestyle has an important role in inducing urinary incontinence. There is increasing evidence that poor fluid intake, chronic use of alcohol and caffeinated drinks increase the risk of urinary incontinence. Similarly, some medications may also induce this condition.
If urinary incontinence is affecting your daily activities, it is perhaps time to speak to your healthcare professional. Spare yourselves from embarrassing moments by getting treatment at an early stage.