Diabetic. Symptoms. Manage.

10 tips to take control of diabetes

Have trouble managing diabetes? Here’s some tops that may help you:

  1. Know your priorities: what do you love in life? Will diabetes come in the way of that? Knowing your priorities will help your resolve.

  2. Know your other risks: heart disease and stroke are big killers for people with diabetes and you need to keep them in check. If you smoke, quit.Keeping your blood pressure at healthy levels should be your prime target.

  3. Make healthy lifestyle choices: get enough rest, take healthy food, stop smoking, you know the drill!

  4. Destress: Stress can get in the way of your diabetes management so keep a calm mind and stop sweating over unnecessary things.

  5. Exercise: Need we say more? 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week.

  6. Avoid dieting: To achieve good blood glucose control, take food with high fibre and healthy oils/fats. Instead of skipping meals,consider meal replacements, and supplement yourself with sufficient vitamins and mineral intake.

  7. Regularly monitor your blood sugar: As you monitor your blood sugar levels, do not forget to pick up trends and patterns for optimal management of your condition.

  8. Go for regular checkups: Doctors play a key role in helping you manage your condition.Get professional and substantiated advice on blood results, treatment regimen and dietary plans from them.

  9. Stay upbeat:Depression affects your emotional wellbeing and may put your diabetes management off track. Discover ways to stay positive, relaxed and cheerful.

  10. Write down your care plan: Work with your doctor to design a diabetes care plan that is realistic and attainable for you, and stick to it!

  11. Join a group: No matter virtually or physically, having a problem shared equates tohaving it solved!


About The Author
Melvin experience in health and fitness includes being a personal trainer at a local YMCA and a branch of Fitness Together. He has worked with a wide range of people: from teen speed, agility and conditioning camps, to adults just beginning an exercise program..

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