Diabetic. Symptoms. Manage.

Losing weight: a win against diabetes

If you are suffering from diabetes, being overweight may increase your risk of complications. By just losing some kgs and maintaining a healthy weight, you can better control your diabetes and further reduce your risk for other health problems. You will also feel better and more energetic!

Diet and exercise are the way to go! Manage or prevent type 2 diabetes by getting and staying active today! Here are 3 things to consider-

Set Realistic Goals: Getting exercise, eating healthy food, and portion control are key to losing weight and staying in shape for many people.

Have a Weight Loss Plan: By committing to a realistic and achievable plan, you’ll boost your chances of success.

Stick to Best Food Choices: Learn what the best choices are for each food group to help with healthy eating and weight loss. Avoid sugar, increase intake of fibre and explore alternative foods may just do the trick.


About The Author
Melvin experience in health and fitness includes being a personal trainer at a local YMCA and a branch of Fitness Together. He has worked with a wide range of people: from teen speed, agility and conditioning camps, to adults just beginning an exercise program..

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